Geographic Information Systems, or GIS, is a powerful information system that is designed to work with data referenced by spatial or geographic coordinates. Simply put, GIS is intelligent mapping that uses attached databases to provide citizen's robust information such as property information, trails, service routes, and many other informational boundaries within the City. The GIS Department is responsible for the City's mapping, data collection and maintenance, and online infrastructure upkeep. 

General Viewer Map Room
An interactive map based viewer that includes information about project currently underway.  Includes public infrastructure and road projects as well as private construction projects in design or under construction.  Includes basic information about the projects and a site plan or elevation.  
As-Built Drawings
Private construction projects are required to provide drawings to support the City's GIS as part of the permitting process. 
Requirements for drawings prior to the release of building permits. 
Requirements for drawings submitted prior to the release of a certificate of occupancy.
File Type Requirements