Citizen Feedback

The Noblesville Police Department welcomes everyone's input and thoughts about the job that we are doing. We aim to provide the residents of the City of Noblesville with the highest quality of professional service and dedication. We have offered citizens with three (3) distinct ways in which they can provide feedback about how we are doing.

Citizen Commendation

This form is to be completed when one of our members has provided a superior level of service to a citizen or the community as a whole. We are always appreciative when citizens take time out of their busy schedule to say something nice about a particular job we did. This form can be completed online or you can select the printable version and either mail it to the Noblesville Police Department or drop it by. We will also gladly accept phone calls if you wish to do that as well.

Citizen Complaint Against Police Personnel

This form is to be completed any time that you would like to file a formal complaint on a Noblesville Police Department employee. A complaint is defined as an act of expressed dissatisfaction that relates to department operations, personal contact or unlawful acts. Generally, complaints are based on misconduct or violations of procedure. You also have the option of calling in your complaint to our department as well at 317-776-6340. Simply inform the person receiving your call that you would like to file a formal complaint and need to speak with a supervisor. Please be sure to call at a time when you are available to speak for approximately 15-30 minutes.    

General Feedback

This form is to be completed any time that you would like to provide general feedback to the Noblesville Police Department regarding any matter you would like to bring to our attention. Please indicate if you would like to be contacted regarding this matter.

Police Department General Feedback