Noblesville Wellbeing

Noblesville Wellbeing Coalition

In May 2021, the City of Noblesville in partnership with Noblesville Schools officially launched the Noblesville Wellbeing Coalition. The group is focused on the enhancement of wellness across the spectrum of health including mind, body, and emotional wellness by improving community-wide resources and processes. 

“May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we knew it was a great opportunity to announce that we have been working diligently with our community partners toward a healthier city and we are ready to officially launch our Noblesville Wellbeing Coalition,” Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen said.  “We understand this past year has been a struggle for many people and the focus on wellbeing is more important now than ever before. With the help of our community partners, we are collecting actionable data to allow for us to create lasting changes in the realm of wellness.”

Wellbeing Survey

The Noblesville Wellbeing Coalition invited the public to take the Noblesville Wellbeing Survey to measure a baseline of wellbeing in our community to work toward a happier, healthier Noblesville. The survey was available in July and August 2020 and is confidential. Any question could be skipped and no personally identifiable information was collected. 

Those interested in the outcome of the community survey can review the results: 
Noblesville Wellbeing Survey Results Presentation

Noblesville Wellbeing Survey Charts

Mental Health Mondays

Mayor Chris Jensen and licensed Noblesville therapist Kristen Dale Boice, small business owner of Pathways to Healing Counseling, video chat about mental health and what individuals and families can be doing to take care of their health. The Mental Health Mondays streams live at 11 a.m. monthly on Facebook. To watch previous Mental Health Monday sessions, click here


The City of Noblesville has joined forces with the Noblesville Police and Fire Departments to create NobleACT, a mental health crisis and substance abuse response program. This program utilizes mental health police officers, community paramedics, and mental health clinicians to provide linkage to community services and divert those in crisis away from the criminal justice system. NobleACT provides mental health and addiction-based services to those in crisis in three primary ways:


  • De-escalate the scene unitizing the expertise of the mental health officer, community paramedic, and mental health clinician.
  • The team will assess the patient’s needs and provide direct linkage to the most appropriate community based services.
  • Direct clients away from the criminal justice system and unnecessary hospitalizations.


  • Follow-up on individuals transported to a hospital within 72 hours.
  • Follow-up on individuals referred to unit.
  • Provide case management services to assist those in their path to recovery.


  • The team will conduct community focused outreaches.
  • Conduct community education trainings.
  • Conduct community awareness events.



Family Support Guide (Helping a Loved One Dealing with Mental and/or Substance Use Disorders)

Family Conversation Guide (Supporting a Loved One Dealing with Mental and/or Substance Use Disorders)

COVID-19 & Behavioral Health

Coping With Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Suicide Risk Factors & Warning Signs

Be Well Indiana

Lookup Indiana

Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community

Mental Health of America

NAMI of Greater Indianapolis

Aspire Indiana


Indiana 211

Crisis 911 Checklist

NAMI Crisis Booklet

Hamilton County Food Pantries List

A G.R.E.A.T. Way to Handle Stress

How to Talk to Loved Ones When You’re Worried about Their Mental Health

5 Things You Should Know About Stress

Portable Treatment Plan

9 Tips for Coping with a Noisy Holiday

College Planning Guide for Students with Mental Health Conditions

Start Your Recovery

Detox Rehabs

Important Mental Health Phone Numbers

Aspire Crisis line

317-574-1252  (24/7)

Community Hospitals Crisis line

317-621-5700  (24/7)

NAMI Helpline


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

800-273-8255  (24/7)

Key Consumer

317-205-2500  (peer support 8am-5pm)

Indiana 211 Partnership

211  (24/7)

Prevail of Hamilton County

317-776-3472  (24/7)



Crisis Text Line | American Institute for Stuttering