Plan Commission
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 06:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers
Call Meeting to Order
Opening Ceremonies - Pledge of Allegiance
Determiniation of a Quorum by Secretary
Approval of Minutes - September 16, 2024, January 21, 2025 Documents: 09-16-2024 | 01-21-2025
Requests for Continuances
#1 Application No. PLAT 0236-2024 Primary Plat for 25.71 acres for the creation of a two-lot residential subdivision to be known as Maya Estates located at 12484 E. 156th Street.
Submitted by Yousef Barham (Owner/Applicant) and Stoeppelwerth & Associates (Leigh Anne Ferrell) Staff Reviewer Denise AschlemanRequesting continuance until the March 17, 2025 meeting.
#2 Application No. LEGP 0238-2024 Change of Zoning from County Zoning A2 Agricultural, A2-S Agricultural/Single-Family and adopted by Annexation Ordinance #00-00-25 as R1 Single-Family Residential and CCPD Corporate Campus Planned Development with a Land Use Category of Industrial/Office and Subdistrict Overlay of Internal to PB Planned Business, R3 Single and Two Family Residential and R5 Multi-Family Residential and the removal of a portion of the property from the Corporate Campus Planned Development District for approximately 1,137 acres located east of Olio Road; south and north of E. 156th Street, west of Cyntheanne Road, and north and south of East 146th Street.
#2A Application No. LEGP 0237-2024 Change of Zoning and adoption of a Preliminary Development Plan and ordinance including waivers allowing the reduction of residential bulk standards regarding minimum lot area, minimum lot width, minimum front, side and rear yard setbacks; commercial bulk standards relating to minimum lot size, minimum lot ratio, floor area ratio; and maximum impervious surface coverage, reduction of the building base landscaping; design standards such as maximum residential block length, residential corner lots being 50% larger, and allowance of accessory facilities in the peripheral buffer yard and reduction of a portion of the peripheral buffer yard for approximately 1,137 acres for single-family, two-family, multi-family residential; and commercial/office uses to be known as Gatewood Lakes Planned Development and located east of Olio Road; south and north of E. 156th Street, west of Cyntheanne Road, and north and south of East 146th Street.
Submitted by Martin, Marsha, and Matthew Thieme; Entrust Group, Inc. FBO Charles N. Spartz Roth IRA 31833; Marilyn B. Musselman; B & B Land Holdings II, LLC; Estate of Howard D. Verbryck, and Gatewood Farms, Inc. (Owners); and Lennar Homes of Indiana, LLC (Applicant/Builder); Henke Development Group, LLC (Developer/Applicant) and Dentons Bingham Greenebaum LLP (Matthew Price, Attorney) Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton
#3 Application No. LEGP 0255-2024 Amendment to the adopted Preliminary Development Plan and Ordinance No. 70-09-16 and all amendments thereto for approximately 2.4 acres all within the Cranbrook Planned Development for the construction of a Goddard School (accessory use) in the R1 Single-Family Residential Zoning District and a waiver to allow a ground sign within the peripheral buffer yard located at 4903 Castamere Drive.
Submitted by Thelma Curts (Owner), and Mitch Manders (Applicant/Developer) Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton
#4 Application No. LEGP 0265-2024 Amendment to the adopted Ordinance No. 39-10-23, As Amended for approximately 600 acres for the Finch Creek Planned Development regarding residential bulk standards relating to maximum lot coverage, Area D site development intensity standards; and signage regulations located south of E. 166th Street, west of Olio Road, north of E. 156th Street and east of Boden Road.
Submitted by Pulte Homes of Indiana, LLC (Rex Ramage) Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton