Petitioner: Jose Romo (property owner) / Matt Pleasant (applicant)
UDO § 4.D.3. and Appendix C Board to consider a variance of use application to allow for a permanent rodeo use, not to exceed five times per year, in the R-1 zoning district.
UDO § 11.C.1.F.3.B. Board to consider a variance of development standards application to allow for a second wall sign on the same street frontage of State Road 37 (maximum one wall sign per street frontage permitted)
a) UDO § Table 8.D. Board to consider variance of development standards application allow a reduction to the front building setback for an existing structure in the I2 (Heavy Industrial zoning district. (60 feet required, 0 feet proposed).
b) UDO § 10.0.4.B.1. Board to consider a variance of development standards application to allow the reduction of a front parking lot setback for an existing parking lot. (20 feet required, 0 feet proposed).
c) UDO § 11.C.1.D.3.a. Board to consider a variance of development standards application to allow an existing ground sign that does not meet the minimum setback. (10 feet required, 0 feet proposed).
d) UDO § 11.C.1.D.6. Board to consider a variance of development standards application to allow an existing ground sign on a property that does not meet the minimum front yard setback of 35 feet from adjacent right-of-way.
e) UDO § Table 12.0.5.D.2. Board to consider a variance of development standards application to permit the reduction/elimination of perimeter parking lot landscaping and plantings around an existing parking lot. (10 feet required, 0 feet proposed).
f) UDO § 12.0.6. Board to consider a variance of development standards application to permit the reduction of the building base landscape area and plantings for an existing building. (10 foot strip required, 0 feet proposed).