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Plan Commission
Monday, March 17, 2025 at 06:00 PM
City Hall Council Chambers

Call Meeting to Order

Opening Ceremonies - Pledge of Allegiance

Determiniation of a Quorum by Secretary

Approval of Minutes - None

Request(s) for Continuance


#1   Application No. PLAT 0236-2024     Primary Plat for 25.71 acres for the creation of a two-lot residential subdivision to be known as “Maya Estates” located at 12484 E. 156th Street. Submitted by Yousef Barham (Owner/Applicant) and Stoeppelwerth & Associates (Leigh Anne Ferrell)                                             Staff Reviewer – Denise Aschleman
Documents: Staff Report | Exhibit 1 - Aerial Photograph | Exhibit 2 - Zoning Map | Exhibit 3 - Primary Plat

#2   Application No. LEGP 0003-2024    Program of Signs for property known as “Federal Hill Commons” and located at 107 Logan Street. Submitted by Noblesville Parks and Recreation Department.                                            Staff Reviewer – Denise Aschleman
Applicant requesting continuance

#3   Application No. PLAT 0015-2025    Primary Plat for approximately 7 acres to create a single residential lot from two parcels to be known as “Driskell Estate” and located at 15290 Allisonville Road in Noblesville Township. Submitted by Ben Driskell (Owner/Applicant) and Miller Surveying, Inc. (Nathan Althouse, PLS)                                                                                                                         Staff Reviewer – Rina Neeley
Documents: Staff Report | Exhibit 1 - Aerial Photograph | Exhibit 2 - Primary Plat

#4   Application No. LEGP 0011-2025    Change of Zoning from “R1 Single-Family Residential” to “PB Planned Business” for approximately 3.87 acres.

#4A   Application No. LEGP 0014-2025   Change of Zoning from “PB Planned Business” to “PB-PD Planned Business Planned Development and the adoption of a preliminary development plan and ordinance including any waivers for the construction of a Wawa Fuel Center and one additional lot for approximately 3.87 acres located at 10113 E. 191st Street in Noblesville Township.

Submitted by Albert Johnson (Owner), JDF 191st , LLC (Developer/Applicant) and Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP (Andrew Buroker, Attorney and Mark Leach, Land Use Professional)
                                                                            Staff Reviewer – Joyceann Yelton
Applicant requesting continuance