Plan Commission
Monday, March 17, 2025 at 06:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers
Call Meeting to Order
Opening Ceremonies - Pledge of Allegiance
Determiniation of a Quorum by Secretary
Approval of Minutes - None
Request(s) for Continuance
#1 Application No. PLAT 0236-2024 Primary Plat for 25.71 acres for the creation of a two-lot residential subdivision to be known as Maya Estates located at 12484 E. 156th Street. Submitted by Yousef Barham (Owner/Applicant) and Stoeppelwerth & Associates (Leigh Anne Ferrell) Staff Reviewer Denise Aschleman Documents: Staff Report | Exhibit 1 - Aerial Photograph | Exhibit 2 - Zoning Map | Exhibit 3 - Primary Plat
#2 Application No. LEGP 0003-2024 Program of Signs for property known as Federal Hill Commons and located at 107 Logan Street. Submitted by Noblesville Parks and Recreation Department. Staff Reviewer Denise Aschleman Applicant requesting continuance
#3 Application No. PLAT 0015-2025 Primary Plat for approximately 7 acres to create a single residential lot from two parcels to be known as Driskell Estate and located at 15290 Allisonville Road in Noblesville Township. Submitted by Ben Driskell (Owner/Applicant) and Miller Surveying, Inc. (Nathan Althouse, PLS) Staff Reviewer Rina Neeley Documents: Staff Report | Exhibit 1 - Aerial Photograph | Exhibit 2 - Primary Plat
#4 Application No. LEGP 0011-2025 Change of Zoning from R1 Single-Family Residential to PB Planned Business for approximately 3.87 acres.
#4A Application No. LEGP 0014-2025 Change of Zoning from PB Planned Business to PB-PD Planned Business Planned Development and the adoption of a preliminary development plan and ordinance including any waivers for the construction of a Wawa Fuel Center and one additional lot for approximately 3.87 acres located at 10113 E. 191st Street in Noblesville Township.
Submitted by Albert Johnson (Owner), JDF 191st , LLC (Developer/Applicant) and Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP (Andrew Buroker, Attorney and Mark Leach, Land Use Professional) Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton Applicant requesting continuance
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