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Board of Zoning Appeals
Monday, January 06, 2020 at 06:00 PM
City Hall Council Chambers


Determine the Presence of a Quorum

Swearing in of 2020 BZA Appointment

Election of Officers

Consideration of November 4, 2019 Minutes
Documents: November 4, 2019 Minutes

Consideration of December 2, 2019 Findings of Fact
Documents: December 2, 2019 Findings of Fact


  1. BZNA-0165-2019

    Location: 4940 Webster Drive
    Petitioner: Will Sharer
    UDO § 6.A.6 - Variance of Development Standards to permit use of a development name that duplicates, or too closely approximates phonetically, the name of another development in the planning jurisdiction.

    Staff Contact: Oksana Polhuy
    Documents: Staff Report
  2. BZNA-0166-2019

    Location: 10147 Harewood Dr N
    Petitioner: Will Sharer
    UDO § 6.A.6 - Variance of Development Standards to permit use of a development name that duplicates, or too closely approximates phonetically, the name of another development in the planning jurisdiction.

    Staff Contact: Oksana Polhuy
    Documents: Staff Report
  3. BZNA-0167-2019

    Location: 3499 Conner Street
    Petitioner: Daphne and Dave Fetters
    Description: UDO § 8.C.4.F and Appendix C - Variance of Use to permit outdoor storage use in Planned Business zoning district.

    Staff Contact: Oksana Polhuy
    Documents: Staff Report
  4. BZNA-0172-2019
    (Continued until the February 3, 2020 meeting)
    Location: 9200 E 146th Street
    Petitioner: Nathan Althouse (Miller Surveying) (applicant)
    Description: UDO § 8.D1.E & Table 8.D - Variance of Development Standards to allow an increase in maximum impervious surface coverage.
    UDO § Table 10.0.3.B - Variance of Development Standards to allow a reduction in required parking space number.
    UDO § Table 12.0.5.C.1 and Table 12.0.5.D.2 - Variance of Development Standards to allow reduction in required interior parking lot landscaping and perimeter parking lot landscaping.
    Staff Contact: David Hirschle