Plan Commission
Monday, October 24, 2022 at 06:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers
Call Meeting to Order
Opening Ceremonies - Pledge of Allegiance
Determiniation of a Quorum by Secretary
Approval of Minutes - September 19, 2022 Documents: 09-19-2022
Rules of Conduct/Meeting Procedures
#1 Application No. 0109-2022 Change of Zoning from R1 Single-Family Residential and PB Planned Business to R5 Multi-Family Residential and PB Planned Business for approximately 34 acres and located adjacent to the southeast intersection of State Road No. 32 (Westfield Road) and Hazel Dell Road. Submitted by Secure Holdings, LLC (Owners Rep Jim Adams), and Steven D. Hardin, Attorney
#1A Application No. 0110-2022 Change of Zoning from R5 Multi-Family Residential and PB Planned Business to R5-PB/PD Residential-Planned Business/Planned Development to be known as Midland Pointe Planned Development for approximately 34 acres (12.5 commercial acres, 21.5 residential) including the adoption of the preliminary development plan, ordinance, and waivers for property located adjacent to the southeast intersection of State Road No. 32 (Westfield Road) and Hazel Dell Road. Submitted by Secure Holdings, LLC (Owners Rep Jim Adams), and Steven D. Hardin, Attorney Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton Items 1 and 1A to be continued until the November 21, 2022 meeting
#2 Application No. 0181-2022 Adoption of text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance regarding flood amendments including Article 2 Definitions; Article 4 Zoning Applications and Approvals; and Article 8 Zoning Districts. Staff Reviewer Denise Aschleman Documents: Staff Report | Exhibit 1 - Proposed Amendments
#3 Application No. 0170-2022 Adoption of a Program of Signs for the mixed use development known as RiverWest Planned Development located north of East 146th Street and west of River Road (Noblesville City). Submitted by 146th and River Road Land, LLC (Tom Sardelli Rep Owners/Applicants) Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton Documents: Staff Report | Exhibit 1 - Program of Signs
#4 Application No. 0164-2022 Change of Land Use Category from Commercial with a Subdistrict Category of 146th Street Corridor to a Land Use Category of Multi-Family/Commercial with a Subdistrict Category of Mixed Residential for approximately 9.5 acres located adjacent to the northwest and southwest intersection of Boden Road/Brooks School Road and Campus Parkway (Noblesville City) for two multi-family/commercial mixed use buildings containing approximately 200 units of multi-family and approximately 30,000-SF of commercial space to be known as the Gateway at Hyde Park, a part of the Corporate Campus Planned Development District. Submitted by MAB Capital Investments, LLC (Owners Rep Steve Ball), Birkla Investment Group, LLC/Novo Development Group, LLC (Applicants Rep Timothy Hill) and Steven D. Hardin, Attorney
#4A Application No. 0165-2022 Adoption of a Preliminary Development Plan and Ordinance including waivers, stipulations, and/conditions for a Land Use Category of Multi-Family/Commercial with a Subdistrict Category of Mixed Residential for approximately 9.5 acres located adjacent to the northwest and southwest intersection of Boden Road/Brooks School Road and Campus Parkway (Noblesville City) for two multi-family/commercial mixed use buildings containing approximately 200 units of multi-family and approximately 30,000-SF of commercial space to be known as the Gateway at Hyde Park, a part of the Corporate Campus Planned Development District. Submitted by MAB Capital Investments, LLC (Owners Rep Steve Ball), Birkla Investment Group, LLC/Novo Development Group, LLC (Applicants Rep Timothy Hill) and Steven D. Hardin, Attorney Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton
#6 Application No. 0209-2022 An Order of the Plan Commission Determinig that a Resolution and An Economic Development Plan for an Economic Development Area Approved and Adopted by the Noblesville Redevelopment Commission Conforms to the Plan of Development for the City of Noblesville, Indiana and Approving the Resolution and Plan. Staff Reviewer - Joyceann Yelton Documents: Staff Report | Plan Commission Resolution No. 04-2022 | RDC Attachments