Development Checklists (Planning)

For more clarity on the exact information/materials needed for a given application, please refer to ‘Noblesville Application Checklists.’ Clicking on the links below will allow you to open or download the current Development Checklists.  Please note that all items listed in each checklist will need to be prepared prior to the submission of an application.  The deadline to submit your application for review is no later than 10 AM,  every 3rd Wednesday of each month. 

Meeting Dates and Filing Deadlines

    • A request by an individual or entity for a review of an interpretation, order, decision, or determination by the Director of Planning and Development regarding any provision of the Unified Development Ordinance. 

  • Change of Zoning Application Checklist
    • An amendment to a zoning map and/or text of a zoning ordinance to effect a change in the nature, density, or intensity of uses allowed in a zoning district and/or on a designated parcel or land area.
  • Detailed Development Plan Application Checklist
    • The purpose of the Detailed Development Plan is to specifically designate the land subdivided into conventional lots or blocks for non-residential planned developments as well as the division of other lands into common open areas and building sites. The Detailed Development Plan shall show the exact location of each building to be constructed, and a designation specific internal use for each building. The Detailed Development Plan also informs all who deal with the Planned Development of the restrictions placed upon the land, and acts as a zoning control device.

  • Prefiling Meeting Checklist
    • Conference with Planning and {Engineering Department Staff is required prior to the applicant/developer/owner filing an application(s) for a public hearing before the Plan Commission or for site review by the Technical Advisory Committee with said conference being completed at a minimum of ten (10) {business days prior to the filing of said application(s).  These applications are subject to the filing dates contained on the adopted Schedule of Meeting Dates and Filing Deadlines adopted by the Plan Commission annually.  ORD #32-07-19, ORD #44-10-23 
  • Preliminary Development Plan Checklist
    • The initial development plans as proposed for a Planned Development following approval by the Plan Commission and adoption by the Common Council of said drawings {and Planned Development (PD) ordinance including any waivers from the underlying zoning district regulations and commitments by the developer for said real property.}
  • Primary Plat Application Checklist
    • The preliminary drawing or drawings, described in these regulations, indicating the proposed manner or layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the Plan Commission for approval.
  • Secondary Plat Checklist
    • The final and formal presentation of the map, plan, or record of a subdivision and any accompanying material, as described in the regulations {of the Unified Development Ordinance.}