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Street Trees
The Street Department's Urban Forester plans and conducts maintenance and planting programs within the city's right-of-way. The forester also conducts community education programs and events to inform the public about the proper care of trees and their importance to our community.
Noblesville Approved Tree Species List
Noblesville Undesirable Tree Species List
City of Noblesville Successful Tree List
City of Noblesville Heritage Tree List
Tree Maintenance Programs
Under the direction of the urban forester, Street Department crews and private contractors perform maintenance of city street trees. This maintenance includes the removal of dead or damaged limbs, routine pruning, removal of dead trees and inspection of street trees.
Noblesville Street Tree Ordinance
Arboricultural Specifications Manual
Street Tree Planting
The city conducts tree planting using city funds and funding from state and federal grants when available. The planting of street trees may be performed by Street Department crews or private contractors hired by the city. Anyone wishing to plant or request the city plant a street tree in front of their home should contact Urban Forester John Easley for approval of the species and location. Many factors must be taken into consideration when planting trees in the right-of-way. Not only must obstructions above the ground be considered, but also infrastructure below ground and line of sight issues for motorized traffic and pedestrians.
Tree City USA
The City of Noblesville has continued to earn the designation of Tree City USA for the past 32 years. The city has held this designation longer than any other city in Hamilton County.
Earth Day/Arbor Fest
Earth Day/Arbor Fest is an annual event held to celebrate trees and the environment. It includes activities and presentations about trees and nature by the planting and care of trees by our Urban Forester. A big "Thank You" goes out to our Noblesville Tree Board for sponsoring this event. Please contact the Street Department for more details on when this event is held.
Hamilton County Tree Stewards
The Tree Stewards is an educational program for people with an interest in trees who wish to increase their knowledge. The program consists of a series of classes with presentations given by experts in their field. For more information, please contact our Urban Forester.