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Innovation Mile
PROJECT: The City of Noblesville has created an ecosystem to foster the economic future of Noblesville and the region with Innovation Mile. Encompassing close to 600 acres fronting on Interstate 69, this district is a work, live, play, engage and learn community designed to drive sustainable economic growth in Noblesville. Innovation Mile will become a dynamic business and technology hub that will serve as an anchor for revolutionary thinking and a gateway for innovation, leveraging long-term growth opportunities and catalyzing reinvestment in the City of Noblesville.
Business and people who choose to locate and invest in Innovation Mile will benefit from thoughtful planning and design, flexible and incentivized building requirements, walkability and connectivity to high class amenities, an evolving and dynamic workforce, and emphasis on technology, sustainability, and innovation strategies.
Developments announced within Innovation Mile are:
- Noblesville Events Center
- Indiana Joint Replace Institute
TIMELINE: This transformational project is currently being developed and actively marketed for new business and investment. Anticipated build out of the district is 10 years.