Code Enforcement Frequently Asked Questions


1.    What is city code enforcement, and what do they do?

-          City code enforcement enforces zoning ordinances and city codes to have properties that are located in city limits and our zoning jurisdiction to come into compliance meeting health, safety, and zoning standards. 


2.    Will Code Enforcement drive through my neighborhood and address all of the code violations they see at all the properties?

-          City of Noblesville code enforcement is a complaint based entity and responds to citizen’s complaints, with the exception of issues affecting health and safety. 


3.    How do I report a code violation?

-          Citizens can report code violations by submitting a complaint to our Citizens’ Action Center highlighted on our main code enforcement page or in the links tab.  You can also call our main planning department number at (317) 776-6325 or email Craig Chandler or Joe Bradley [email protected] or [email protected] 


4.    What is the process of a reported code violation?

-          Once a complaint has been filed, we will then visit the property in question to assess said complaint, then if we determine there is a violation against our ordinances or codes, we will issue a notice of violation to the property owner.  We give them a time frame to correct the violation (time depends on what type of violation it is).  If the violation hasn’t been taken care of by the due date, we will issue a last warning before we start issuing fines and court action (if tall grass violation, we would send our mowing contractor after the original due date)   


5.    Do I need a permit to operate “x” business out of my home?

-          By looking at our Unified Development of Ordinances (UDO), you can navigate to Article 9. General Regulations Part C. Home Occupations Section 5. Prohibited Uses.  If what you want to operate out of your home is a listed prohibited use, then you may not.  If what you want to operate is not listed, then you can apply for a “Home Occupation” permit through our Citizen Permit Portal



6.     What properties are subject to what codes?

-          If properties are located within city limits, then they are subject to City Codes and Zoning Ordinances. 

-          If properties are located outside of city limits, then they are only subject to Zoning Ordinances.    


7.    What if a property has tall grass, junk accumulation, or junk vehicles and are located outside of city limits?

-          If properties have tall grass outside of city limits, then the respected township is responsible for enforcement (Noblesville, Wayne, Fall Creek Township Trustees)

-          If properties have junk accumulation, or junk vehicles, then Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department is responsible for enforcement.


8.    I live in an apartment or am renting and have issues with my unit or house, who can help?

-          First, we recommend reaching out to your property management or your landlord about problems that you might have with your unit or house.  If nothing is done and problem persists, then code enforcement can step in and inspect the complaint and start enforcement.